Looking for a phone or email of a Mercat stand? Wanting to know who has a flower, plant or accessory you need? Trying to find out where it is located in the Direct Sales Hall? Now it's easy! Type in the search box the name of the company you are looking for, partner, or product name you need. We will indicate you the possible outcomes or those nearest one.


Type "SERRA" and you'll see: Floricultura Serra Falgueras, S.L.; Grup Germans Serra, S.C.P.; Josep Serra, S.C.P.; Serra Torruella, Josefa; Vives Serra S.L.. Type "CACTUS" or "PHALAENOPSIS" and we will relate companies that have this product.

(The Directory of Stands from Direct Sales Hall are updated to 31 December 2014. Any subsequent changes or modifications will be introduced in the coming weeks.)