Product catalog

From this webpage you can see a wide selection of products offered by Mercat de Flor i Planta Ornamental de Catalunya throughout the year, starting from the current month.

It’s possible to look up the offer both its monthly availability, clicking on one of the months of the column on the right, or directly by the name of the flower, plant or accessory you want, by typing it in the search box.

ATTENTION: If you are an ornamental horticulture professional and you are interested in knowing prices, our products stocks availability and the different chances of purchasing we offer, please contact our Commercial Department: or Tel. +34 93 750 00 00.


Lavandula Angustifolia

Pot  11 Ø / 13 Ø  /2,5 L./ 5 L.

Plant Stand

Lemon trees

Pot 25 Ø

Plant Stand

Lilium L.A.


Cut Flower Stand

Lilium Longuifolium


Cut Flower Stand

Marmolina of Colors


Accessories Stand


Pot 10,5 Ø 13 Ø

Plant Stand


Pot 18 Ø

Plant Stand

Nerium Oleander

Pot 14 Ø

Plant Stand

Ocimum Basilicum

Pot  10.5Ø  13 Ø

Plant Stand



Cut Flower Stand


Osteospermum ecklonis (Dimorfoteca)

Pot 13 Ø

Plant Stand


Pelargonium Grandiflorum

Pot 13 Ø

Plant Stand

Pelargonium Peltatum

Pot 13 Ø

Cut Flower Stand

Pelargonium Randi

pot 13 Ø

Plant Stand

Pelargonium Zonale

Pot 13 Ø

Plant Stand

Picea Glauca Conica

Pot 10 L.

Plant Stand

Planter Horticola

Tray 10 U. 60 u.

Plant Stand


Plectatum Australis (Planta del Dinero)

Pot 15 Ø

Plant Stand


Pot 13 Ø

Plant Stand


10,5 Ø / 15 Ø Hang /  20 Ø Tutor

Plant Stand


Pot  9 Ø

Plant Stand



Cut Flower Stand